Work begins on the new 48 volt system
Jake, Morgan, and Kaya have begin to assemble a new 48 volt master panel that will be located over the 48 volt battery box, which will...

Work continues of front end modifications
Morgan and Mason smooth out the modifications to the front end that we made last weekend. #SolarCarWorkdays

Jake shares his preliminary website design work with the team
Jake has been hard at work for several weeks trying to build a website for the CCA Solar Car team and he is showing his preliminary work...

Disassembly continues!
Steven removes the floorboard from the car. Steven uses the cut-off saw to begin removing an unneeded portion of the frame in the front,...

Work continues on the rear suspension upgrade and other disassembly
We safely remove the old rear suspension and start to work on disassembling the other parts of the car, as needed, to start making the...